Save That Spark Blog

5 Practical Tips to Get Your Wife to Desire You Again

5 Practical Tips to Get Your Wife to Desire You Again

5 Practical Tips to Get Your Wife to Desire You AgainBy: Lisa Welsh
Published on: 10/09/2024

Discover why your wife has a low sex drive and 5 practical ways you can get your wife to desire you again. Download my free sexual confidence guide!

Marriage and Relationships
What Is Emotional Intimacy? How to Create It

What Is Emotional Intimacy? How to Create It

What Is Emotional Intimacy? How to Create ItBy: Lisa Welsh
Published on: 23/08/2024

Discover what emotional intimacy is, why it’s important, and how you can create it to have a more fulfilling relationship.

Marriage and Relationships
5 Things to Do (Right Now) If Your Wife Doesn't Want Sex

5 Things to Do (Right Now) If Your Wife Doesn't Want Sex

5 Things to Do (Right Now) If Your Wife Doesn't Want SexBy: Lisa Welsh
Published on: 09/08/2024

If you're wondering why your wife doesn't want to have sex and how you can fix it, then look no further! This article has all the answers.

Marriage and Relationships
How to Date Your Spouse (5 Tips to Keep Things Passionate)

How to Date Your Spouse (5 Tips to Keep Things Passionate)

How to Date Your Spouse (5 Tips to Keep Things Passionate)By: Lisa Welsh
Published on: 02/08/2024

Missing the spark in your marriage? Discover how to date your spouse the right way so you can rekindle the passion and intimacy in your relationship.

Marriage and Relationships